

Just a simple Ghanaian trying to find the best in our society. I may be fun, I may be interesting, I may be funny, I may even be foolish or intelligent, but it is all based on the mood in which you find yourself. I believe our minds make us who we are. Know that, pain, no matter its ‘unbearability’, is transient. Unburden or delight yourself for a while in my writings please. And all corrections, advice and opinions are welcome. Know that you are the king, queen or royal on this blog.

240 replies on “About”


Well there’s not a lot one can say to that conundrum of a comment – neat shoes or perhaps the Venusian special Champagne, Kirsch and Vanilla Ice Cream Cocktail and sometimes referred to as the Root Beer Float for alcoholic Venusians – and I think we all know why they call it a Root too!

Don’t let the grind wear you down dah-ding!!


Wonderful. I’m on the same page ☺. Thank you for following my new blog. I’m honoured. Looking forward to reading your work. Peace, love & light, Julia xo

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aw shucks *blush* what a beautiful thing to say…yes we’re tired lol…however i’m fueled by the passion i have for engaging with this new community of artists rapidly becoming friends 🙂

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Great friends are easy to come by. Julia, I’m all for friends. You can count on it. Once I follow your blog, know you have a friend in me. It is that simple. And it doesn’t matter if you follow back or not. Art is art and I love great art. So dear friend, this is a beginning and I’m sure many others will be pleased to have you join their lists of friends. Blessings.

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I’m moved beyond. You are kindness, love & generosity personified. I’m all for true friendships too. So much to look forward to here : ) you inspire me deeply. Peace love & light, j


Wow! This question always sets me thinking. I know it is a royal name, my grandmother told me it meant “the strong one” but some elderly woman also told me it meant “the fearful one”. I don’t know which is which though.

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Is it your first name? So beautiful. I’m thinking…strength and fear go hand in hand…we have the strength & courage to DO despite our fears ☺


Wonderful. I’m on your page ☺ looking forward to reading and following you. Thank you for following me. Peace, love & light, Julia xo


I love living here so much that no matter what happens, I’ll just aim for knowledge and come back to my home no matter what happens. Unless of course nature changes and leads me to have a family with a partner afar, then we’ll alternate. That’s how much I love my country.


God bless her. Not everyone has the heart to go that far to touch lives and help. Tell her a special thanks from me when she comes. And oh, tell me when she gets back, will write a special poem in her honour.


I saw so much beauty and light in everything you write…it takes wisdom, courage and inner strength to express your ideas the way you do and to touch people’s hearts making them wanna be better. At least that’s how I feel reading your blog and I’m truly blessed to discover more and more from your talented work.
Thank you for following my blog, I feel honored and it means very much to me!

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Mum C, didn’t get the opportunity to be taught by you in Tamasco. How unfortunate. After meeting and listening to you at the Barcamp Tamale, I concluded you were the definition of a passionate philosophical Ghanaian woman.
I love your writings, I learn from them. Keep up the Good Work!!!

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