

If you sit in melancholy
Watching others act loved and holy
Asking why your fate is so twisted
Just get to know all I am
And it will move you

From the stakes of the unwanted
To the stables of the haunted
From the oven of the hated
To the hell of penury
Through to the dawn of my breakthrough
Just get to know me
And I will move you

I’ve come to trust the process
Though I cried and cursed
I’ve come to love the process
Though I felt tortured and at a point, asked for a reverse
I’ve come to believe in the process
Though life’s hardships dangled death in front of my life
Forget the dark clouds which dim your sky and get to know me
I’ll move you

I’ll move you
I’ll so move you
I’ll so move you to shed the clothes of hurts
…to put on the robe of hope
The beginning of every great life is challenging
All one needs is determination and hard work
And a future will push gratefulness on a past
Which rusts with its horrors
Under the brightness of your star
Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia © August 18, 2021

By amoafowaa

Just a simple Ghanaian trying to find the best in our society. I may be fun, I may be interesting, I may be funny, I may even be foolish or intelligent, but it is all based on the mood in which you find yourself. I believe our minds make us who we are. Know that, pain, no matter its 'unbearability', is transient. Unburden or delight yourself for a while in my writings please. And all corrections, advice and opinions are welcome. Know that you are the king, queen or royal on this blog. :)


I’m getting my third dose soon. Other than that just stayin gin the house and away from people. It’s to risky to get around other people. Only 50% of people in the U.S. are vaccinated. What the hell is wrong with people? Vaccination rates there are proably much higher than here! Take care. 🙂

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It is difficult to even get the vaccine here but people are skeptical of the vaccination because of all the talks going around. Do take care and honour the protocol. USA has it tough but time will heal us all.

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