

This virtual world
…which has made for all a stardom stage
Has gifted a curse

It’s hard to watch
…as shadows struggle to drown eachother
…to get into the light meant for all
A pull and a push
…a blast and a clap back
…hatred and betrayal
…nakedness and its madness
…sins and their bins
“I am”
…and “You aren’t”
All for meaningless likes
…fake loves
…fun making laughters
…exaggerated wows
All overlooking the many well calculated anger

Before bodies meet
…disagreements are sealed
The way troubles magnetize innocence to destroy
What is this mask
…all in bask
…from dawn to dusk
With pressure tasks
…with no force tags?

I wonder the many minds
…lacking rest
I wonder the many hearts
…feeling unease
I wonder the many eyes
…on blind routes
I wonder the many fingers
…buying enemies
I wonder the many intellects
…buying deceptions
As I watch the fake dilution
…making all a look alike

It is a virtual world
Which can now make and unmake
I hope fingers which now replace legs
…will thread cautiously
Because this pressure bought out of leisure
…can measure the length of your treasure
And murder a future so beautiful
…without mercy
Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia © Nov. 20, 2019

By amoafowaa

Just a simple Ghanaian trying to find the best in our society. I may be fun, I may be interesting, I may be funny, I may even be foolish or intelligent, but it is all based on the mood in which you find yourself. I believe our minds make us who we are. Know that, pain, no matter its 'unbearability', is transient. Unburden or delight yourself for a while in my writings please. And all corrections, advice and opinions are welcome. Know that you are the king, queen or royal on this blog. :)


Hello there dear Cecilia! You fine poet and wise woman. I gain confidence from your visit to my site, and think that yes I shall write soon again, though illness aches and distractions interfere these days. Perhaps. Smiles…


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