




Is enlightening

Is Loving

Is cariiiiiiiiiiing

It is giving for giving

In liviiiiiiing

It is life in entirety



I know God is a teacher

He is a teacher who produces great teachers

Great teachers to let his world be explored and known

So all those who step into his shoes

Are those anointed to help uncover

To help lead

To help build all nations




Is enlightening

Is Loving

Is cariiiiiiiiiiing

It is giving for giving

In liviiiiiiing

It is life in entirety


Who says one can do the work of God

Without any suffering?

But who says one’s work must be done on a crying stomach?

Even Holy Books ask for humans to live and feed right

In order to honour God’s will

If knowledge is like a palm plantation

Teachers are like trainers of humans to tap

Heads lead and rule beings

And so teachers are head workers

Head workers who must not be taken for granted

If a hungry man is an angry man

And an angry man is a fearful man

Let’s not play with God’s anointed

Turn not the sweet palm wine into gin

Help heat fresh foods to keep them edible

Let no dust settle on any alphabet to keep it hidden

If the society is built by teachers

And societies make up a nation

Who needs a sage to know their needs need to be tended to at all times?

Who needs a soothsayer in order to polish them up

Satisfy them and make their jobs one to smile in doing?




Is enlightening

Is Loving

Is cariiiiiiiiiiing

It is giving for giving

In liviiiiiiing

It is life in entirety





A teacher is a life saver

A teacher is a digger and polisher of knowledge to be handed down

A teacher is a preserver of knowledge

An unsatisfied teacher can be poison who will give poison

And transferable poison eventually corrodes

Thanks to a teacher

Every living being thinks

So thank a teacher, even if all you do is read and write

And help him or her be comfortable to deliver

In praise of our maker




Is enlightening

Is Loving

Is cariiiiiiiiiiing

It is giving for giving

In liviiiiiiing

It is life in entirety

Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia © 2015

By amoafowaa

Just a simple Ghanaian trying to find the best in our society. I may be fun, I may be interesting, I may be funny, I may even be foolish or intelligent, but it is all based on the mood in which you find yourself. I believe our minds make us who we are. Know that, pain, no matter its 'unbearability', is transient. Unburden or delight yourself for a while in my writings please. And all corrections, advice and opinions are welcome. Know that you are the king, queen or royal on this blog. :)

10 replies on “TEACHING (IN SEMI SONG)”

First, Thank you, Cecelia, for being such a creative, student-oriented Teacher! Second, I would not want to be walking in God’s shoes when God calls all publicly appointed ‘Teachers’ to accountability. There’s a verse somewhere in the Bible that says teachers will be judged by a higher standard than others. Too bad we seem to think ‘anyone’ can do that (teach)!


I love this poem and the thought that it expresses. In a sense, we are all teachers but not all of us teach lessons that serve to better others. My grandmother was a teacher and a poet. She taught me many wise sayings and one that sticks deep down inside of me is: The hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation. Parents are primarily teachers and what we teach or fail to teach them decides the destiny of the people. Good teachers are as vital as food and water.

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I can imagine her level of knowledge. I know teachers learn each day and they meet so many characters who enhance their knowledge and poets are deep thinkers who see so many things others don’t even with their eyes closed. Pam, you really are a blessed being. Such a combination is rare.

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